Librarian Service
The heart of these events beats with the rhythm of engaging exchanges among participants, leading to a wealth of benefits, sharing valuable experiences and perspectives
research impact
Outcomes of a panel discussion, providing insights into the different types of research impact is, different approaches to measuring it, and how institutions and publishers can support researchers
A researcher, a librarian and a head of publishing discuss what librarians can do to encourage diversity and inclusion in learning and researching
Laird Barrett is giving an update on the way in which researchers institutionally authenticating to our websites.
With a trend in switching to remote access and digital learning resources, librarians are looking into new options to cater the demands for faculty and students researching and studying from home.
Sara Duff, Acquisitions & Collection Assessment Librarian at the University of Central Florida Libraries, explains the process of eBook collection acquisition.
The North American Institutional Marketing and Sales teams partnered with American University Library to host a Regional Summit at American University in Washington, DC. The daylong event was attended by academic and government librarians interested in access authentication and exploring Resource Access in the 21st Century (RA21).
The Springer Library Advisory program has now been active for 14 years and continues to grow in importance, as we develop our strategies and products.
ATD Techknowledge is taking place in San Jose, CA in January 2018. This conference is where learning and technology in business meet. If you are attending ATD Techknowledge 2018, be sure to attend our Solution Session on Wednesday January 24 from 3 pm to 4 pm in room 212AB.
The North American Marketing and Sales teams hosted a Corporate Summit in Cambridge, MA. The event was attended by librarians interested in Trending Topics from ÁùºÏ²ÊÐþ»úͼ spanning journals, eBooks, and ROI support.